Sleep is so integral to the way we function and feel, more than we give it credit for. In this day and age, many people (myself included…) throw trendy, or even trivial, remedies at their bodies to make themselves feel better. Whether that is to feel more energised, focused, immune to the flu, or “glowing from within”. We keep going at the hectic pace we do in life, only attempting to feel better with Lion’s Mane on a morning or daily gummies that claim to soar your collagen levels through the roof. All before stripping back to the basic question of whether you are giving your body a good enough night of sleep.
You get your full eight hours, sure, but were they truly a good eight hours? Forget quality over quantity, this is about quality and quantity. As World Sleep Day approaches, this is your time to ask yourself this question and re-think the way that you sleep. We’ve pulled together a selection of products, from technology to aromatherapy, all to help you hit that REM cycle and achieve a deeper, more restorative night of sleep. Time to revolutionise the way you hit the hay!